Share Savings Rates
Stated rates were paid the previous dividend period and are for comparison only. Actual rates may vary and are set by the Board of Directors based on earnings at the end of each dividend period. Please contact a Member Service Representative at (614) 836-0100 for the latest rate information and a Truth In Savings disclosure.
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes dividends remain in the account until maturity. Fees and other conditions may reduce the earnings in these accounts. Rates for quarterly dividend periods were paid the previous quarter and are determined by the Board of Directors at the end of each dividend period. Super Share Savings, Money Market Account and Checking dividends are credited monthly. Actual rates may vary from these examples. Truth in Savings (TIS) disclosure available upon request. Federally Insured by NCUA.
Term Share Certificate Rates
Rates are for comparison only. Actual rates may vary and are based on earnings and financial trends. Please contact a Member Service Representative at (614) 836-0100 for the latest rate information and a Truth In Savings disclosure.
Relationship Rewards: Ten basis points (.10) will be added to regular term certificate rates when the member has an active First Service loan balance, a First Service checking account, or is a Prime Time Club member, for a maximum of thirty (.30) additional bonus points. (Bonus points are not available on special promotions, zero-balance loans/lines of credit, or JUMP Certificates.)
Relationship Rewards: Ten basis points (.10) will be added to regular term certificate rates when the member has an active First Service loan balance, a First Service checking account, or is a Prime Time Club member, for a maximum of thirty (.30) additional bonus points. (Bonus points are not available on special promotions, zero-balance loans/lines of credit, or JUMP Certificates.)
These terms also apply to IRA Term Share Certificates. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes that dividends remain in the account to maturity. Fees and other conditions may reduce the earnings in these accounts. Please call a Member Service Representative at (614) 836-0100 for full details and a Truth In Savings (TIS) disclosure. Federally Insured by NCUA.
Loan Rates
Auto Loans: All loans on approved credit. Sample rates are for comparison only and may be withdrawn or changed at any time. Terms and rates may vary depending on credit conditions, model year and value of collateral; sample rates may not be all inclusive based on specific requests and criteria. Please contact (614) 836-0100 for current rate information and a payment comparison.
2020 & Newer Auto
Used Auto 2019 - 2017
Other model years, rates and terms are available
2020 & Newer Motorsports
Other rates and terms are available
Personal Loans
Home Improvement
FirstReserve Personal Credit Line
Home Equity Line of Credit
Visa Credit Cards
1 Based on a loan amount of $20,000, a term of 66 months and a $124 processing fee and First Service Checking account.
2 Based on a loan amount of $20,000, a term of 72 months and a $124 processing fee and First Service Checking account.
3 Based on a loan amount of $5,000, a term of 12 to 60 months and a $124 processing fee.
4 Based on a loan amount of $10,000, a term of 60 months and a $124 processing fee.
*This rate is available with a checking account relationship discount.
**Home Equity rate is a variable rate, set quarterly at .75% below the Prime Lending Rate as disclosed in the Wall Street Journal. Rate will not be less than 5% or exceed 18% or the maximum allowed by law. $5,000 minimum initial advance. Property insurance is required and must be paid by the borrower. $300 closing fees waived will be retroactive if line is closed within 24 months. Consult your tax advisor about the deductibility of home interest. Call 614/836-0100 for additional details. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Opportunity Credit Act.
All loans on approved credit with qualified collateral when required. Other rates and terms may be available.
Auto and personal processing fee of $124 reduced to $99 with a FirstChoice Checking relationship advantage.
$224 processing fee for indirect dealership loans.
Auto and personal processing fee of $124 reduced to $99 with a FirstChoice Checking relationship advantage.
$224 processing fee for indirect dealership loans.