Mobile Check Deposit allows you to take a picture of a check to make deposits to your First Service account using your iPhone, iPad or Android device. Save a trip to the credit union by depositing your checks with your smartphone or tablet by using our free First Service FCU Mobile App with Mobile Check Deposit. Mobile Check Deposit is offered by First Service with no service charge!*
Eligibility Requirements
- Your account must be in good standing and open for at least 90 days
- You must be enrolled in FirstCU Online Account Access
Check Deposit Guidelines
You can only deposit checks into accounts held by the person that the check is made payable. Mobile Check Deposit is not available for foreign items, savings bonds, or money orders.
- Up to 2 deposits per day for a total of $2,500 may be deposited.
- Monthly maximum deposit limit of 10 deposits for a total of $10,000.
- Checks must be endorsed by all payees on the back and must include “For Mobile Deposit at FirstCU.”
- Enter the check amount that matches the written amount on the check.
- Take photo in a well-lit area; a solid, dark background works best.
- Ensure all check corners are in the view finder and hold phone flat.
- Ensure the MICR line is readable (string of numbers on the bottom of the check).
- You will receive a confirmation message via e-mail on the same day deposit is made.
- Once the check is approved, hold the original check for 7 days and then securely destroy.
Funds Availability
- All mobile check deposits are subject to review and approval.
- Standard check holds may apply.
- Check the status of deposits in your online deposit history.
- Funds deposited before 3:00 pm on a normal business day will generally be available on the fifth business day after the deposit.
- Funds deposited after 3:00 pm on a normal business day, or on a weekend or holiday, will generally be processed the following business day with availability on the fifth day following processing.
- All deposits are subject to review and funds from your deposit may not be available for immediate withdrawal.
If you are interested in signing up for Mobile Check Deposit, call 614-836-0100 during normal business hours to activate this service.
*If an item you transmit for deposit is dishonored, rejected or otherwise returned unpaid, you agree that we may charge back the amount of the return to the account the check was originally deposited to; and you may be assessed a returned deposit item fee.