teen girls hanging out

iCount for Teens

rainbow iCount account logo

for Teens

(Ages 13 - 17)

Teens can count on First Service to get prepared for a lifetime of financial success! 

  • Youth Savings and Share Savings Account - only $5 to open!*
  • Opportunity to participate in prize drawings (i.e., gift cards, movie tickets, etc.)
  • Student Checking**(beginning at age 16)
  • Stay connected with First Service FCU Mobile app
  • Free e-Statements
  • Smart Option Student Loan
  • And more!
Have questions about where to start?  You can count on your credit union to answer your questions about preparing for your financial future.  We’re here for you!  Visit your neighborhood branch office to talk to us in person.

*Youth Accounts are available until age 16 and pay dividends on balances greater than $5. At age 16, Youth Accounts are converted to Young Adult Share Savings Accounts.  $25 minimum to open checking.  **All checking services on approved credit. Qualified member co-signer required for Starter Checking and some restrictions may apply.

More Financial Literacy Tools

Your link to fun & games! 

Learn about what matters most to you!

Check out Biz Kids!

Pocket Cents is a financial literacy tool for all age groups which provides personal finance lessons and tips for groups including youth, tweens, teens, young adults, families, seniors, parents, educators and service members.

We invite teachers, parents and members to bookmark these helpful sites for their consumer financial research needs.

Dollar Dog and Youth Accounts require a joint account with an adult signer and acceptable identification.

This CREDIT UNION IS FEDERALLY INSURED BY THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION. To check out the National Credit Union Administration's site for financial education just click here: MyCreditUnion.gov (Opens in a new Window)
Young mom and toddler playing in a laundry basket
Home & Auto Loans

First Service has loans with a variety of rates and terms.