This is your membership account with First Service. Only $5.00 is required to open your Share Savings Account and maintain membership. With your membership, you have access to a full range of financial solutions. Let us help you reach your savings goal. Open your account today for a better tomorrow.
- The minimum deposit to open a Share Savings Account is $5.00
- Dividends accrue on a daily balance method and are credited quarterly on balances greater than $5.00
- Free e-Statements
- Direct Deposit available
We encourage you to make First Service your first choice for all of your financial needs.
After your membership Share Savings Account is open for six months, if your account balance is below $250.00 and you have no other relationship on this account such as checking, a loan, direct deposit, or e-Statements, the account will be subject to a charge of $5.00 per month to cover ordinary maintenance, tax reporting, auditing and mailing costs.
All deposits are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the United States Government. IRA accounts are insured up to an additional $250,000.
For additional information on account insurance coverage, please call First Service at (614) 836-0100, the NCUA Insurance Call Center at 1-800-755-1030, ext. 1 or click the links above.
Savings Transaction Limitation Fees: An Excessive Withdrawal Fee of $3 is charged for each Share/Savings Account withdrawal that exceeds six (6) transactions, including transfers, per month.