Let's Get Started ® is a First Service program geared toward young adult members from age 18 to 24 to help you focus on the financial services relevant to your lifestyle.
First Service is here to help you get started in the right direction for financial success. No matter what path you decide to take — college, a new job, or the military — we can provide you with financial products and services to fit your needs and help you stay in touch with your money.
- Share Savings Account
- Classic Checking
- Computer Loans
- First Time Auto Loans
- Free Online Account Access
- Free Mobile Account Access
- Network of ATMs Nationwide
- Free e-Statements
- Online Financial Guidance
MoneyEdu is your PERSONAL Financial Wellness Center. Sign in today to get started.
Personal finance doesn't have to be boring! Click on the On Your Own picture (left) to learn about a range of topics, including how your credit score is calculated, how to make better money decisions, and more.
And don't forget to...
Download our FREE e-Book - The Ultimate College Guide.
As your credit union, we’re thrilled to provide you with this collection of fun, insightful, and super-helpful articles packed with tips on college life. Inside, you’ll find budgeting tools, creative ways to save on books, and pointers for paying down that student debt. And, since we want you to pass your classes with flying colors, we’ve included studying tips, memory hacks and more! It’s your guide to everything college.
Pocket Cents is a financial literacy tool for all age groups which provides personal finance lessons and tips for groups including youth, tweens, teens, young adults, families, seniors, parents, educators and service members.
MyCreditUnion.gov has fifteen different financial tools and calculators, including college savings, student loans, mortgages and retirement savings. Users also have access to a personal budgeting worksheet.
$5.00 minimum Share Savings Account required for membership with $25 required to open a checking account.
This CREDIT UNION IS FEDERALLY INSURED BY THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION. To check out the National Credit Union Administration's site for financial education click here MyCreditUnion.gov